Interview with Roberto Thompson on the Comcaac

Interview with Roberto Thompson, the jefe (Indian agent) of the Comcaac, on his early life and relationship with Comcaac people conducted by Scott Ryerson.

Interview with Roberto Thompson, the jefe (Indian agent) of the Comcaac, on his early life and relationship with the Comcaac by Scott Ryerson. Topics include his younger life in Arizona and California, his father's ranch near Hermosillo, the first Americans at Kino Bay, Mr. Davis, a man who came to buy Comcaac arts and crafts for the Heye Foundation, his role negotiating betwee the Seri and fisherman, when roads and new businesses came to the area, good that were traded by the Comcaac, and fishing techniques. Thompson's name was originally spelled Thomson. The first part of the recording is transcribed but the audio is missing. The second half of the interview is audio only.

Location Description: 

Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico